WSJT-X 2.2.0 – Release 02 June 2020

Update WSJT-X 2.2.0

– Significant improvements to the decoders for FT4, FT8, JT4, JT65, and WSPR.

– New format for “EU VHF Contest” Tx2 and Tx3 messages When “EU VHF Contest” is selected, the Tx2 and Tx3 messages (those conveying signal report, serial number, and 6-character locator) now use hashcodes for both callsigns.

This change is NOT backward compatible with earlier versions of _WSJT-X_, so all users of EU VHF Contest messages should be sure to upgrade to version 2.2.0.

– Accessibility Keyboard shortcuts have been added as an aid to accessibility: Alt+R sets Tx4 message to RR73, Ctrl+R sets it to RRR. As an aid for partial color-blindness, the “inverted goal posts” marking Rx frequency on the Wide Graph’s frequency scale are now rendered in a darker shade of green.

– User Interface Translations have been enabled. Translations are now available for Catalan, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Hong Kong Chinese.

Additiional languages will follow, when available. Note that UI translation is automatic, based on your system primary language. If you do not want the WSJT-X UI translated to your local language then start WSJT-X with the ‘–language=en’ command line option: wsjtx –language=en

If you wish to contribute by authoring WSJT-X UI translations please join the new discussion group (, where help from other translation authors and coordination with the development team is available.

– Minor enhancements and bug fixes “Save None” now writes no .wav files to disk, even temporarily.

An explicit entry for “WW Digi Contest” has been added to “Special operating activities” on the “Settings | Advanced” tab.

Contest mode FT4 now always uses RR73 for the Tx4 message. The Status bar now displays the number of decodes found in the most recent Rx sequence.

The “Highlight Callsign” UDP message has been enhanced to allow clearing of old highlighting for a specified callsign. Please note a recommended restriction on the use of this message in the documentation here:

– Hamlib – this library which we use for direct rig control has had many defect repairs and enhancements, we thank the contributors to that project for their work.

Log4OM V2 – Released – 14/05/2020

Release note – Version

⦁ [NEW] Serial winkeyer devices are now supported (added DTR pin HIGH on WK initialization)
⦁ [NEW] Added ADIF import checks for missing BAND/MODE. Log4OM tries to recover band from frequency if available. If found and MODE is missing, the mode will be retrieved from the bandplan as best match.
⦁ [NEW] New Station management. You can now create multiple configurations with different radio and antenna. Each antenna under specific radio can be set to be the preferred antenna for the indicated radio when working on the indicated band
⦁ Increased to 60″ the wait-on-shutdown maximum time.
⦁ Added 45 seconds timeout to LOTW TQSL call on shutdown. Small optimizations on TQSL start parameters.
⦁ Added “you have been spotted” message on user interface (main, contest, winkeyer)
⦁ Improved USA-CA identification routine by adding capability to concatenate 2 database fields in award manager with an optional separator (STATE – CNTY fields)
⦁ Added reference rescan on QSO EDIT save
⦁ Optimizations on PTT key routines
⦁ Updated Libya, Georgia, Kosovo, South Sudan, ITU, San Marino flags
⦁ Added ARRL prefix tooltip over country flag on country user control
⦁ Removed (opt) label in External Services LOTW Configuration
⦁ Added log screen in QSO update window with details of activities
⦁ Label print search data optimizations
⦁ Award confirmation routine (import) now sets the reference if missing in the originally saved QSO
⦁ Award confirmation (import) routine now sets the reference in the COMMENT field
⦁ Fixed HRDLog qso upload random failure
⦁ Clublog uploads marked as DUPE will be considered valid and QSO will switch to SENT=YES
⦁ MOTD interface improvements
⦁ [FIX] MY CQZone was changed in program configuration under some circumstances when QSO is logged from external applications
⦁ [FIX] Contest mode START/END time fixed UTC issues
⦁ [FIX] CQ Zone set to zero when importing from JT applications fixed
⦁ [FIX] Fixed rotator commands in Winkeyer and Contest screen
⦁ [FIX] Added missing fields to HRDLOG data upload
⦁ [FIX] Fixed issue on Winkeyer initialization (WK_Range)

Updat JTAlert 2.16.5 – 08/05/2020

Includes Callsign database file version 2020-05-08 (2020-May-08)


– WSJT-X 2.2.0 FT8: Callsign clearing time adjustments for early decodes.

– Log QSO times: Default setting for recording seconds in QSO times changed from off to on. This will apply to new JTAlert installs, existing users will need to manually enable the setting if they want seconds recorded.

– /MM callsigns: No longer alert on DXCC, CQZone or Continent.

– https queries: Lookup of Callsigns online for text messages and available update checks changed from using https to http. This was done due to a number of Win7 & Win8 users with older OS installs, lacking modern SSL support, failing to correctly establish SSL connections.


– Log QSO date: When logging old QSOs with a date before 2019, the current UTC date was substitued.

Update JTDX-2.1.0-RC150- 08/05/2020

JTDX 2.1.0 Change log

JTDX 2.1.0-rc150 8th May

for evaluation and on air testing, this rc (release candidate) has no contest function

– defects fixed in modulator, corrected FT8 and FT4 signal transmission
– decreased modulator start delay versus previous JTDX versions. FT4 mode transmit delay is set to 20ms
– improved transceiver polling functionality, transceiver polling is reworked for FT4 mode
– patch: transceiver poll functionality shall not trigger DT changes of FT8 TX signal
– attempt to improve FT4 signal transmission in scenario when poll interval is set greater than 1 second
– improved FT8 decoder efficiency and sensitivity
– FT8 decoder patches: minor bug fixed in candidate thinning, FT8S decodes shall be marked by ‘^’ symbol    and displayed with ‘*’ symbol
– DX Call FT8 decoder searching shall trigger AF RX frequency change to the signal found
– AutoSeq is reworked
– patch to AutoSeq4+ in JT9+JT65 mode. Introduced tx_mode change event into AutoSeq.
– IARU regions implemented: user now can have common for all regions and own region frequencies in the frequency list
– fixed nearest default frequency search for multiple default frequencies in the frequency list
– patch: restore default frequency on startup if frequency that is not in the list was saved at last exit from JTDX
– patch: at program launching frequency shall be set to nearest default frequency
– frequency list can be saved to file and loaded from file. There is no ‘RESET’ button in Frequency tab anymore, please use right mouse’s button click on the frequency list to get to controls
– 4m band frequency list is updated
– removed JA and EU dependencies from forcing 160m crossband: now such crossband operation with Japan is fully optional
– patch to WSPR decoder crash in scenario where message with empty grid decoded
– unified system date/time implemented
– Hamlib, OmniRig, HRD, DXlab transceiver control code is updated to WSJT-X v2.1.2 and modified
– code reworked to unified MessageBox usage
– patch to DXpedition special message parsing for 11-char callsign
– added DXpedition special message parsing in FT4 decoder
– minor bug fixed in JT65 decoder
– Band Activity window label shall not be part of ‘Hide menus’ functionality
– decoder’s lag shall be displayed in Band Activity window label: lag is calculated relatively to beginning of next interval. Negative values mean spare time can be used for deeper decoding, positive values is decoder’s lag into TX or next interval. Added detailed decoder’s lag description in tooltip to Decoded Text label.
– added counter of last interval decoded messages into Band Activity window label
– ‘wanted country’ line edit shall allow to enter asterisk symbol with prefix
– ‘wanted country’ and ‘country filter’ prefix search shall include asterisk and shall be done with prefix at uppercase
– added verical bars for RX and TX frequencies into waterfall as new option
– common band 22-bit hash table shall be cleaned at band|mode change
– more filters added to catch false FT8 and FT4 decodes
– improved prefix-to-grid mapping(false decode detection functionality)
– defect fixed in filtering false ‘CQ  callsign/R’ messages
– QSO_DATE_OFF and TIME_OFF ADIF parameters shall be passed over network
– Escape keyboard button shall also halt Tx if widegraph window is active
– attempt to fit timestamp into waterfall at NAvg=3 on all operating systems
– added ‘debug to file’ option on build, recording into JTDX_debug.txt file
– added Portuguese Brazilian, Danish and Catalan languages and translation
– removed date/time format string translations in logqso UI
– translation updates
– changes to Hound button background color: yellow in common FT8 bands, green color if out of common FT8 bands
– AutoTx button alert color is changed from yellow to soft red one
– minor changes to keyboard shorcuts description
– using big CTY file now, updated ALLCALL7.TXT, LoTW users list, big CTY is updated to version as of April 18th

SWISSLOG For Windows – Update To Version 5.99g

Version  5.99g 19/04/2020


This version includes the following corrections/enhancements:

  • NEW: Logbook view: now the Custom filter will appear in the selected language. The EQUAL operator accepts the following wildcards:
    • *:  represents zero, one, or multiple characters. Example: EA3* applied to the callsign field will list all callsigns starting with EA3 and any suffix, *SOTA will list all callsigns having SOTA in the suffix, *70*% will list all callsign starting or having 70 in the middle of callsign, etc
    • ?: represents a single character: Example: E?3G? will list all callsigns like EA3GC, EL3GA, EM3ZZ, EA?GCV will list EA1GCV, EA3GCV, EA8GCV, etc.

You can also mix both wiildcards: ?A* will list all callsigns like EA3GCV, 1A0KM, 3A2AC, etc. As you can see, it offers endless filtering possibilities!

  • NEW: World map: added CAT button to automatically read the transceiver band and select it in the DXCC and Grids fields. Also added a MODE drop list to select the DXCC/Grids according the selected mode. It also includes the following report modes: PHONE, MIXED, DATA and IMAGE. Please read World Map chapter to know more details.
  • NEW: DX message window / Band maps: added an option in the popup menu to disable the warning to save QSO or ignore if adding a QSO from a spot and a call already exists in the Add QSO window without saving.
  • NEW: Added European ROS CLub (ERC) for membership panel and new statistic
  • NEW: Comments field: If you upload QSOs to eQSL, you can differentiate the text added as message in your eQSL card from regular QSO notes. Simply add QSLMSG: in the Comments field with the text you want to display in your eQSL card. Example:

This text is your QSO comments. QSLMSG: This text will only be displayed in your eQSL card

“This text is your QSO comments” will be added as Notes if you upload QSO to Club Log, HAMLOG, HRDLOG, HAMQTH or QRZ. “This text will only be displayed in your eQSL card” will only be sent to eQSL.

IMPORTANT: QSLMSG: tag must be uppercase and located at the end of other QSO notes! If you don’t set the QSLMSG: tag then all comments will be sent to all configured online logbooks.

    • NEW: WSJT-X / JTDX Band Map: changed spot lifetime from minutes to seconds. This will allow you to set values to display only one decode period (15 seconds for FT8 or 8 seconds for FT4). Current minute values are converted automatically to seconds at startup.
    • NEW: Added the DXCC field to read from the following Callbook databases: QRZ, QRZCQ and HAMQTH. Very useful for those users not using the Query and set Club Log DXCC option (which prevail over this function). Redesigned the “Field Copy Instruction” tab in the Callbook options.
    • NEW: Users retrieving data from HAMQTH/QRZCQ: the DOK will be filled out automatically if QSO partner has assigned the DOK in the profile and the County field (Sub Region) has been checked in the Field Copy Instruction in the Callbook CD / Internet databases option
    • NEW: Statistic Quick Info window: Added the SubRegion field in the “Previous QSO” listing.
    • NEW: Added IARU 1, IARU 1 28MHZ, IARU 3 and ERC statistics.
    • NEW: Added DXCC Challenge award for statistic view/reports including modes CW, PHONE, DATA, ALLMODES.
    • NEW: CW Type: when activating CW Type buttons in Add QSO window, pressing the CW Type button will restart Cw Type. This is mandatory to do if you have changed macros in Swisslog to reflect changes in CW Type.
    • NEW: Logbook view: I have added a full set of new and very interesting queries! You can now check for:
      • DXCC/WAS/WAZ/WPX are confirmed by QSL and not confirmed by LoTW/eQSL by all possible confirmation combinations (LoTW or eQSL).
      • DXCC/WAS/WAZ/WPX/WAE are confirmed by all possible confirmation combinations (QSL, LoTW or eQSL).
      • Missing DXCC/WAS/WAE all bands/5 Bands all modes
      • Worked DXCC/WAS/WAZ/WAE all bands/5 Bands all modes

Queries titled for specific bands/modes are intended to be used as template for advanced users who want to check for other bands/modes (simply edit the query and replace the band/mode you need then save it with another name). Check out on the following Queries subfolders for the new queries: DXCC, WAZ, WAS, WPX, WAE.

  • NEW: Swisslog installer: added an EULA (End User License Agreement).
  • Improved WSJT-X Band Maps: code rewritten to improve significantly performance! This should solve all freeze issues after a while working with high activity on bands.
  • Improved: Band Maps: improved overall performance.
  • Added: Telnet server list: EA3CV-2. In order to use latest Telnet server list, you have to delete the file Telnetservers.bin and rename Telnetservers_orig.bin to Telnetservers.bin. Please note that doing this you will lose the auto start settings and all your previous changes to other servers, so you will have to configure it again.
  • Corrected: WSJT-X Band Map: if user changed the Grid statistic it was not saved for the next session.
  • Corrected: WSJT-X UDP Settings window: resized to fit in the minimum screen resolution recommended for Swisslog (1024×768)
  • Corrected: LoTW sync: web passwords including special characters like ‘&’, ‘<‘, ‘>’, ‘#’, etc caused LoTW sync to not download QSOs/QSLs.
  • Corrected: LoTW sync: Swisslog won’t ask user anymore to assign new LoTW ADIF fields to Swisslog fields if found during LOTW synchronisation (i.e: APP_LoTW_RXQSO, APP_LOTW_RXQSL…)
  • Corrected: LoTW/eQSL sync: QTH locator from LoTW/eQSL will be set in the QSO if the QTH locator field is empty or if QTH locator to import has 6 digits and the QTH locator field has 4 digits matching the Maidenhead.
  • Corrected: Club Log/HAMQTH: passwords including special characters like ‘&’, ‘<‘, ‘>’, ‘#’, etc didn’t work.
  • Corrected: eQSL sync: the Error list tab didn’t list any QSO, only a line indicating the file containing errors. In order to receive again a full report, it’s very important to perform a full resynch of all your QSOs in eQSL by setting a last synch date before your first QSO in the logbook (or 01/01/1900).
  • Corrected: Import QSO from another Swisslog DB: QSOs were not assigned to any MyQTH
  • Corrected: TrueTTY: some fields were not passed to Swisslog.
  • Corrected: TrueTTY/CW Type: shortcuts for macro buttons (Shift+Ctrl+F1-F2) caused triggering other associated functions to hot keys (such F1 Help, Ctrl+F4 close current window, etc).
  • Corrected: Logbook view: error message “Capacity of list is out of bounds” when using certain printers. If view takes a lot to open when opening any logbook view, edit the SWISSLV5.INI file and add the following key in the COMMON section: DisableDXPrinter=1
  • Corrected: Realtime logging to QRZ: the QRZLOGID field was not set.
  • Corrected: Flex Radio support: mode was set to a number when changing mode on Flex Radio
  • Corrected: FLDIGI link: using FLDIGI versions from and higher in countries having a comma as decimal separator, the frequency was not passed into Swisslog.
  • Corrected: ADIF import: if QTH locator to import had 4 digits the Distance field was set to 0
  • Updated: World Map: added latest IOTA references into the IOTA layer
  • Corrected: HAMLOG: password length limited to 10 characters (maximum length allowed by HAMLOG).
  • Corrected: Rotor control: The Hy-Gain DCU-1 option didn’t work for DCU-2/DCU-3. Now should work for all.
  • Corrected: WinKeyer support: the [L] command used in macros to LOG QSO didn’t work
  • Corrected: SOTA Update: changed URL link
  • Corrected: Save desktop at exit main option will be checked by default in new installations.
  • Corrected: AGCW update: changed link and file format from XLS to CSV
  • Corrected: Refresh view automatically logbook view option will be checked by default in new installations.
  • Corrected: Register QSL cards: Azimut was not displayed correctly in the detailed view of the QSO
  • Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik, EI4KF.

Log4OM 2 Released – 21/04/2020

Log4OM 2

⦁ [NEW] Added capability to show up to 2 customizable awards for each QSO in grid (default to IOTA and SOTA awards). You can change them in USER PREFERENCES to match your preferred awards.
⦁ [NEW] Added map support to Winkeyer screen.
⦁ [NEW] Added SIG and SIG INFO fields of the counterpart in the main screen (Extended Info).
⦁ [NEW] Net control support
⦁ QSL manager no more performs automatic timed searches on param changes. Added new search button to be used when params are filled. “Search required” button functions revisited.
⦁ Added QSO Date search in QSL management (actual dates refers to SENT DATE and RECEIVED DATE of the confirmation)
⦁ Additional cluster date checks added.
⦁ Removed redundant STAY ON TOP option in winkeyer screen.
⦁ Winkeyer transmission log is not cleared after each QSO. User must manually clear it when needed.
⦁ Added some checks on MY_STATE field and STATE field
⦁ Automatic awards list update after new award download
⦁ Refined CQ and ITU zone checks during ADIF import. No changes applied on imported/user entered data, CQ and ITU checks are performed only during lookup and data enrichment phases
⦁ Added MY_ANTENNA adif field
⦁ Removed ANTENNA proprietary field (import-only)
⦁ STATE field is now bounded to a value list for countries that support the value (ADIF 3.1.0). Invalid values will be discarded
⦁ MY STATE in program config is now bounded to a value list for countries that support the value
⦁ STATE and MY_STATE fields on import are checked against a valid value list.
⦁ Satellite mode now automatically set propagation mode to “Satellite”.
⦁ Added support for “MHz” representation for band used in SOTA on Award Import data used for SOTA confirmations.
⦁ Label print optimizations on address retrieval from external sources.
⦁ HRDLog online presence code optimized to reduce potential issues.
⦁ Curacao flag added.
⦁ [FIX] Lazylog issue when callsign starts with digits.
⦁ [FIX] search issue on reference field
⦁ [FIX] Prevented main UI from getting focus when external events occours and the screen is minimized.

Update JT-Alert 2.16.0 – 07/03/2020


 Includes Callsign database file version 2020-03-05 (2020-March-05)

New Features:

  • New Alert Type: Wanted Canadian (VE) Province Alert. Full support with Province 2 character indicator, individual voiced Province sounds, and updating of needed Provinces via a “Scan Log and Rebuild” or manual setting. Individual voiced Province alert files are included in the 2.5.2 Sound files package.
  • Clear B4 Cache Menu: A user can now force a clearing of the internal worked B4 cache via the “Alerts -> Clear B4 Cache” menu. Clearing the cache will force all new decodes to get a new B4 status via a Log lookup that is then cached.


    • Callsigns Cleared: Callsigns display is now automatically cleared after logging a new QSO. This is not optional.
    • State Dropdown: The log fields display State dropdown list now automatically adjusts the list of 2 character codes to show only US State (and KL7, KH6) or VE Province codes depending on the Country of your current QSO partners. The dropdown is cleared for non VE or US callsigns.
  • Wanted State Alert: US State Alerts now consider “DC” for alerting and Scanning. If you don’t want to chase “DC” as a separate alert-able State you don’t need to take any action. If you do want to chase “DC” then un-tick the “Consider DC as MD” checkbox on the Wanted States Scan Log section, then run a Scan. A voiced alert wave file for “District of Columbia” is included in the 2.5.2 Sound files package.


  • B4 indicator: Newly logged Callsigns not displaying the “B4” indicator when the Callsign is next decoded after logging. (2.15.11 defect)
  • Fatal Error: Line 11057 or 11247 error when the Wanted State Alert is set to use individual State Name announcments and the Alert is triggered. (2.15.11 defect)

Update LOG4OM V2 – 2.4.0 -03/03/2020


1. Version 1 SQLite database is not compatible with Version 2
2. An ADIF file in ADIF 3.0 format must be exported from Version 1 of Log4OM
3. A new database must be created in Version 2 and the ADIF file then imported 
4. Version 2 configuration is different to version 1 so needs setting up newIf all else fails read the user guides and watch the YouTube tutorials


  • [NEW] Added Clublog/CTY file exception correction on all cluster items
  • [NEW] LazyLog massive data entry interface added
  • [NEW] ADIF export can now produce files with a reduced, user selectable, range of fields (File -> Export ADIF)
  • [NEW] Added CSV export with user selectable/sortable fields (File -> Export CSV)
  • [NEW] Option to invert FREQUENCY/MODE order in message sent to radio (Settings – CAT)
  • [NEW] Added native support for network connected rigs through Hamlib (FLEX and similar)
  • [NEW] Added SOTA Chaser/S2S/SWL TSV/CSV file format export capabilities (Award Statistics screen -> Export)
  • [NEW] Added “stay on top” option on contest and winkeyer screens
  • Added management of award reference alias. Will affect correct identification of USA-CA award references and others.
  • ADIF and CSV export is now available also in QSO Management with full output filters
  • Improved EQSL and LOTW import performances
  • Improved WSJT/JTAlert ADIF inbound message performances
  • Improved reactivity of QSO add function. QSO save is made asynchronously respect main UI
  • Added management of the (now deprecated) QSL_SEND status “Validated”. This will mark all LOTW and WAS references as VALIDATED.
  • New option in Alerts: Ignore statistics. Trigger the alert under any condition of worked/confirmed for the country
  • Import of QSL_RCVD status Verified (actually deprecated in ADIF standard) now set the QSO as VERIFIED for DXCC and WAS
  • Added option to start Hamlib application hidden (not shown on taskbar)
  • Previous QSO and Worked Before no more on top by default
  • small fixes in LOTW download interface
  • QSO filters improved: Added capability to explicitly exclude QSO that have a specific award in the myReference/contactReference. Useful to extract chaser without ref2ref contacts.
  • Clearing Callsign field in main UI resets map to station home QTH
  • Updated SOTA routines to support new summits csv file from SOTA website
  • [FIX] Massive QSO update performance issue fixed
  • [FIX] grid field editor no more stay behind the parent screen if parent is set to stay on top
  • [FIX] Length reported in ADIF format for frequency was incorrect
  • [FIX] Omnirig dual radio – one off issue fixed
  • [FIX] Award statistics view (chaser / activator / reference2reference filters)
  • [FIX] Prevented removal of QSO primary keys (date/callsign/band/mode) at database level
  • [FIX] My Rig and My Antenna not correctly retrieved when using a different profile in QSO Edit
  • [FIX] Reported length of ADIF fields now consider // as start of the comment and exclude comment length from adif field calculation
  • [FIX] Hrdlog sends online status even with not active.
  • [FIX] Changes in Winkeyer UI won’t trigger main UI interface refresh, stealing focus
  • [FIX] Current references in QSO under edit are not cleared if main parameters (band/mode) changes. User must check if current awards registered are still valid for the QSO even under new parameters. DXCC change always clear preselected awards

Update JTDX v2.1.0-rc148 – 21/02/2020

JTDX 2.1.0 Change logs


– reordered launching of threads in FT8 decoder
– minor changes to Spt/Menu controls view, reversed broken Pwr slider appearance
– ‘fusion’ is set as default JTDX style, ‘-style=windows’ key in JTDX launching shortcut will switch ‘fusion’ style off
– crossband 160m band operation with Japan is moved to option for all scenarios but EU-JA QSO, by default crossband is enabled, can be switched off in Misc tab of main window UI
– patch to possible marker misalignment in QSO RX frequency messages window triggered at double click on message
– messages like ’73’ shall not be treated as ‘reply to other’ while correspondent using multislot transmission
– prevent calling on Fox frequency when user resuming TX after three unsuccessful TX attempts
– added optional broadcast of logged QSO ADIF message to secondary UDP server, the same message format as in WSJT-X being used, controls are in ‘Reporting’ tab of configuration settings, same message format as in WSJT-X is used
– ‘Logged ADIF’ UDP message addressed to primary UDP server now is optional, can be activated in ‘Reporting’ tab of configuration settings
– main frequencies introduced, marked in frequency list by asterisk. At mode change JTDX will be selecting main frequency rather than Fox frequency.
  Some frequently used DXpedition frequencies added as default values in the frequency list. Main mode&band frequencies can be deleted by user, ‘reset frequency list’ will recover default frequencies
– six-pass SWL option is withdrawn from FT8 decoder
– implemented up to 3 cycles of FT8 decoding (each cycle has three decoding passes, six-pass SWL mode was two cycle decoding), one cycle is set by default, two or three cycles can be activated independently for operation and SWL modes.
  Withdrawn multicycle FT8 decoding dependency on number of running JTDX instances. Still there shall be more than 3 threads used in FT8 decoder to get multicyle decoding active in SWL mode.
– Hint button shall be switched on in FT8 mode by default(first launch of JTDX or if .ini file is deleted)
– automatic FT8 decoder thread selection shall spare one thread to other tasks if CPU has more than 2 logical cores. If user sure in flawless CPU & software functionality he|she can bring back decoding time selecting manually number of FT8 decoder threads equal to number of CPU logical cores.
 – FT8 decoder AP masks related code cleanup
– main window UI: CAT recovery button is moved up close to frequency label, minor changes to top/right side buttons allocation
– thinning FT8 candidate list based on the sync pattern quality: 3..15% decrease of decoding time of FT8 interval
– upon accepting configuration settings JTDX shall retain current VFO frequency if it matches to a frequency in the list, else shall set main mode&band frequency
– patch for counters when doubleclicked on call which is not in history (no CQ or 73 like messages received from this callsign), first counter did not work in such scenario
– ALLCALL7.TXT is now being used for filtering false FT8 decodes with support of 7-char Australian callsigns, ALLCALL.TXT is not used anymore
– filtering false decodes: faster callsign search in the ALLCALL7 based list via block data access
– added checking for false FT4 decodes starting from “TU; “
– added SNR and DT criteria for checking FT8 false decodes containing ” R “
– one more attempt to eliminate ‘CQ DE AA00’ false FT8 decode, it was likely coming from OSD decoder with AP mask in presence of strong signal on the band
– LoTW users list is updated, cty.dat file is updated to version CTY-3004
– ALLCALL7.TXT is updated to 111851 callsigns
– rc148 is built with modified Hamlib code v20200123 

Log4OM V2 Released 04/02/2020

Release note – Version

  • CAT frequency display is now user configurable for best visual comfort in Settings -> CAT
  • Added viewable Clublog Sent, QRZCom Sent, HamQTH Sent fields to the list of available fields in grid.
  • Faster LOTW download. “paper qsl confirmation download” made optional. You should use it only when you have new paper qsl registered and validated by ARRL. Download is disabled by default.
  • Alert engine fixes and optimizations.
  • JT interface message parser has been completely rewrited.
  • Added capability to read ADIF message 12 directly from WSJT-x (ADIF message).
    Note: This option (new in configuration screen) should NOT be used with JTAlert automatic log options, JTAlert UDP ADIF send and WSJT-x native UDP ADIF send or you will probably log twice the same QSO.
  • Small label fixes on User Interface.
  • Popup alert for new releases added.
  • Added supercluster connection status on cluster screen.
  • Detailed logs added in case of failed upload to external services  (payload provided is always saved when upload fails).
  • UDP logs now shown on logfile only in DEBUG mode. That will provide better performances.
  • EQSL data matching improved. Now received “SSB” will be searched also as “USB” and “LSB”. USB and LSB are now searched in log as SSB also.
  • Added 45 seconds maximum wait for TQSL to complete operations on program closure.
  • [FIX] LOTW Upload confirmation from QSO Edit form fixed.
  • [FIX] QSO already marked as received no more updated (initial eqsl download date preserved) in EQSL download.
  • [FIX] Audio keyer won’t stop PTT when message finishes.
  • [FIX] Cluster visualization issue related to VOACAP calculations prevented data visualization.
  • [FIX] Fixed issue on user specified login/password when connecting to cluster service.
  • [FIX] Revised internal conversion from number to strings (ex. ADIF FREQ EXPORT).
  • [FIX] Start-end date format fixed in contest configuration screen.

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