Log4OM Released 24/12/2020

Release note – Version

[NEW] Added support for KML export from QSO grids.
[NEW] Added support for scheduled webpage/CSV generation with custom fields and optional FTP upload.
[NEW] Added more info on label routing page.
[NEW] User can now skip label print if counterpart requires SASE and/or contribution for the QSL.
[NEW] Added a new option (valid for ALL PROFILES) in Program Settings (top menu) to disable automatic backup on program shutdown. This option is NOT recommended if you don’t have an alternative backup method or specific needs.
[NEW] New section PERFORMANCE in Program Settings (top menu) with some options the user can disable to maximize program performances on heavy loaded systems.
[NEW] New benchmark tool in the PERFORMANCE menu to check how the system performs on some areas.
[NEW] Users can now put awards into the “ignore list” (USER PREFERENCES / AWARDS). Those awards will not be identified in cluster and will not be shown on main UI award options for the selected callsign. Unused awards will not be parsed, resulting in a small speed optimization. If award parsing in cluster is disabled on PERFORMANCE section the cluster will not perform searches on ANY award.
⦁ Label print automatic routing identification improved.
⦁ Contest UI improvements.
⦁ Program cluster reactivity enhanced.
⦁ Added current version number on program header.
⦁ Relocated solar data information to the top right area of the main UI.
⦁ Re enabled multiple band map concurrent views.
[FIX] Changed distance rounding method to prevent distance calculation issue

Update JTDX 2.2.0 rc154 -09.12.2020

JTDX 2.2.0 rc154 (09.12.20)

Cumulative changelog of rc154:

– patch to increased FT8 decoder lag issue
– avoid storing double type values in settings file to prevent any possible conflict with user regional settings
– translation updates
– JTDX 2.2.0-rc154 is built with modified Hamlib, based on Hamlib commit


as of December 7th, 2020

win64 build made under Qt 5.15.1
win32 build made under Qt 5.9.5

where Windows XP & Vista are not supported

JTDX.ini file changes:
deleted parameters DTCenter, TxDelay
added parameters DTCenterInt, TxDelayInt

Update JTDX 2.2.0 rc153 07-12-2020

JTDX 2.2.0 rc153 (07.12.20)

– patch: fill in the FT8 candidate list at valid DT range

– patch: pick up some dropped FT8 candidates at one- and two-thread decoding
– changed automatic thread number selection algorithm in FT8 decoder:
number of logical cores/number of decoder threads
1 / 1
2..4 / (number of logical cores)-1
5..8 / (number of logical cores)-2
>8 / (number of logical cores)-3
– FT8 candidate list thinning option is implemented for usage with slow CPUs to let user get acceptable Lag value, “CL” spinBox is added in mainwindow UI with tooltip
  Default value is 100% (no thinning). Candidate list thinning should be used together with “minimum” wideband FT8 decoder sensitivity setting.
  FT8 candudate list thinning being not applied to the QSO RX frequency. Factor 3.0 being used for thinning under frequency “Filter” option, for instance if CL spinBox set to 30% then thinning factor will be 90% (0.9) under frequency “Filter” option.
– implemented DT weighting and decoding pass weighting to FT8 candidate list thinning option, resulted in improved decoding efficiency.
  User can now select median DT value in DT spinBox of main window UI to get best FT8 decoder performance under candidate list thinning option, DT median default value is 0.0 sec.
  Median DT value of decoded signals depends on accuracy of system clock synchronization, in SDR setups it can also depend on RX audio delay. On overcrowded bands median DT value is usually close to average DT of decoded signals.
– FT8 decoder fast/medium/deep options are obsolete now and deleted, FT8 decoder running now in deep mode.
– multiple changes to FT8 signal synchronization in decoder: improved FT8 decoder efficiency on overcrowded bands
– a bit improved decoding of FT8 signals in ‘use subpass’ option
– simplified Hint decoder control
– FT8 mode: Hint group of decoders is always used, access to Hint button is blocked
– display estimated lag at decoding FT8 or FT4 wav files, estimation can have acceptable accuracy starting from 2nd even or 2nd odd decoded interval while playing pack of consecutive wav files
– patch: prevent crash with callsign index in chkfalse8.f90
– “Call higher than new calls priority callsigns” option is implemented to AutoSeq 4+, control is in AutoSeq tab of main window UI
– a bit faster displaytext processing
– fixed bug in CQ and ITU zone notifications
– added DX Call notification by the font color change to Other standard messages color
– show CQ and 73 messages marker char with CQ color for LoTW users
– prevent unneeded rig_close/open actions on Configuration settings change accepting
– option added to allow 160m crossband operation with South Korea, control is in Misc tab of main window UI
– track Monitor button state at Configuration settings changes and tuning
– forbid RRR message transmission in FT4 mode for compatibility with WSJT-X FT4 message protocol
– dark style correction in Configuration and widegraph UI
– better handling of large vertical size of the main UI window
– grid square for /MM /P /MM /A /M callsigns shall not be taken from CALL3.TXT file
– prevent saving WSPR files if “Save None” is selected
– fix 4m band default frequency at hound mode checking
– fix removing last audio .wav file on mode change
– added 70cm band FT8 frequency, frequency list reset in Configuration settings is needed to get it displayed in the list
– option for displaying frequency value in waterfall, “Freq” checkbox is added for control
– “Bars” checkbox is moved to controls widget of widegraph
– disable rig power on/off option if other than Hamlib CAT selected
– ignore UDP message client’s ‘TemporaryError’ message for starting JTDX on Mac Big Sur operating system
– allow to enter 19-char directional CQ message into macro edit line in Configuration settings
– multiple code changes towards compatibility with Qt 5.15.1
– some changes to GCC10 support, Linux builds affected
– recovered source code Qt 5.5 compatibility to future WinXP & Vista JTDX builds
– INSTALL file is updated with disabling INDI support in hamlib
– ALLCALL7.TXT update as of 20201127, big cty as of November 12th 2020, LoTW list is updated
– translation updates
– JTDX 2.2.0-rc153 is built with modified Hamlib, based on Hamlib commit https://github.com/Hamlib/Hamlib/commit/c4e1deb8b6a97847bec30980d50436028cc626ce as of December 3rd, 2020
win64 build made under Qt 5.15.1
win32 build made under Qt 5.9.5
where Windows XP & Vista are not supported!

Ham Radio DeLuxe – Update To V6.7.0.323

Here is what is included in this release:

Bulk Callsign Lookup – this feature will allow you to select multiple QSOs in your log and perform the callsign lookup function on them.

You will be able to choose whether to fill only empty fields or fill all fields in the QSO.

If your enabled lookup sources have data to fill those fields, it will do so automatically.

This will be very helpful for those who import logs into HRD Logbook from other programs.

This feature will be perpetually available to customers whose Software Maintenance and Support expiration date is beyond the release date for this release.

Additionally, the following improvements are available to all Ham Radio Deluxe customers:
– CQ US Counties award tracking initial version
– ICOM IC-705 added
– FTDX101D/MP antenna switch added
– Google Earth Pro integrated to Logbook and Satellite Tracking
– QSL labeling fixed for Brother and Dymo label printers
– ILGRadio shortwave database again supported
– Outstanding items in Logbook Lookup Pane fixed
– Daylight savings time issue with Satellite Tracking fixed
– Fixed issue that prevents activation keys from being deactivated

Update JT-Alert 2.16.17 – 06-12-2020

Chang Log

Important note regarding FST4 mode: FST4 support is only partial.

 Accurate FST4 B4 checks and FST4 logging are fully supported.

 There is no Alerting for FST4 DXCCs, States, Grids, Prefixes, etc.

There is no reporting of FST4 activity in the Mode Activity window.

 Includes Callsign database file version 2020-12-06 (2020-Dec-06)

New Features:

– Callsigns Display Grid: New online for text messages indicator, a filled square, can be shown in the top-right corner of the Callsign display. See the “Windows -> Text Messages” section of the Settings window.

– Logging: New option to ‘Log USA District “DC” as State “MD”‘. This option is off by default. If enabled “DC” based stations will have their State converted from “DC” to “MD” and logged as “MD” regardless of the value returned from XML lookups and previous QSO lookups.

– Command Line Parameter: “/myid=” a user defined string that will appear in the status section of the JTAlert titlebar text. This parameter is not used internally by JTAlert except for the status display.

– WSJT-X Multicast UDP: Due to the unrelaibility in automatically determining which network interfaces are being used by WSJT-X for multicast UDP, JTAlert now has an explicit setting to indicate if WSJT-X multicast UDP is using a loopback interface. Ensure that the “Settings -> WSJT-X UDP Multicast on Loopback” menu is ticked. This applies for WSJT-X 2.3.0 -rc2 and later. The setting is ignored when using WSJT-X 2.2.2 and earlier.


– US State Alert: “Consider DC as MD” setting moved from the “Rebuild Alert Database” section to the “Alerts -> Wanted US States” section of the Settings window. This setting is now titled ‘Alert “DC” as “MD”‘. When this setting is enabled, all “DC” stations will alert as “MD”.

– Decodes Windows: Online for text messages indicator symbol changed from a filled circle to a square.


– FST4: Callsigns not being displayed in the Callsign display and decodes not being displayed in the Decodes History window..

–Decodes Window: Fatal error when changing the “Highlight excess DT” threshold value in the Settings when the Windows regional-settings utilizes a non-dot for the decimal separator.

-Text Messages Window: Incorrectly being show at JTAlert startup despite the “Receive text messages …” option being turned off.

LOG4OM 2.10.0 Released 18/11/2020

Release Note – Version 2.10.0

[NEW] Added QSO date range in LOTW confirmations download
[NEW] Added friends list management in CHAT screen
[NEW] Contact matrix show in BLUE previous mode/band contacts with the current callsign
[NEW] If an award reference retrieved from cluster contains a known gridsquare this is used to show and save QSO info.
[NEW] SOTA references locators are now calculated with 6 digits
[NEW] Implemented non standard callsign file support
[NEW] Statistics on main UI now show the confirmation status for the current callsign, callsign on current band and callsign on current mode.
[NEW] Improved label printing. Added capability to print “my references” or “comment” on each single QSO in the label (if any). QSL Message and NOTE became a single field printed on label bottom area. All texs are optional.
⦁ Main UI threading code optimizations
⦁ Statistics area performance rework
⦁ Disable speed potentiomenter setting made persistant in Winkeyer options
⦁ VOACAP engine performance optimizations
⦁ Chat engine optimizations and protocol changes
⦁ Chat engine try to reconnection in case of external disconnection
⦁ Log-style screen performances enhanced
⦁ Improved logging of running threads
⦁ No more debug messages in CHAT screen when working in TRACE MODE log
⦁ UDP and CAT logging made optional in the main application log to reduce amount of data written to the log. 2 new options in the HELP menu -> LOG LEVEL sub menu
⦁ Fixed compatibility issue of telnet cluster relay server with Win4ICOM suite
⦁ Left area stats show/hide setting made persistant
[FIX] Fixed issue with automatic FCC updates when an EN.dat file was already available
[FIX] Fixed issue on LOTW QSL paper confirmation download that may have not correctly downloaded data in the past. If you recently submitted paper QSL to checkers please perform a full download of LOTW data from the stone age of your license
[FIX] Code optimizations (speed improvements) applied when dealing with duplicated spots coming from multiple connected clusters
[FIX] Multiple reference support handling on same spot fixed
[FIX] “incoming message” indicator now correctly open the CHAT screen
[FIX] LOTW station call (opt) not correctly set in the download screen. Fixed
⦁ [FIX] Mode and Band data lists not correctly updated from web under some circumstances

LogHX3 Update Ver. 3.0 build 577

Ver. 3.0 build 577 -(7/10/2020) 


+Setup->LoTW,eQSL,etc. Add auto-send QSO to QRZ.COM

+ Setup->Color setup for country status-> First highlight new calls, after new band/mode/not cfm set priority for colored country status

+ For log grids add menu “Auto column width”

+ Setup->Net setup – now you can use net for logs

Window->WW locator map + External program->Add “After close CAT command”

+ Add CAT: Flrig

* Correct work Fldigi with log.

The Unknown Juwel

” LogHX is a freeware windows ham radio logger software, designed as complete Ham Radio environment. Radio control interface, online log book interfaces, cluster access, adif and cabrillo exports, antenna rotor control, Digital CW and SSB macros, full QSL management “

Log4OM Released 14/09/2020

Release note – Version

  • [NEW] New “resource editor” function (Settings menu) allow advanced users to personalize program configuration files. Usage of this feature requires a good knowledge of Log4OM.
  • [NEW] FCC database support for STATE visualization in cluster data.
  • [NEW] Log4OM joined the Off-Air Message Service, a new Ham Radio shared chat environment that joins Log4OM and GridTracker users. You can find it in the UTILITIES menu
  • [NEW] downloaded eQSL’s can now be viewed in QSO edit screen
  • [NEW] Starting from this release we may release PUBLIC BETA versions to try and test new features before official release. You can subscribe to this opportunity by clicking on the “Check for PUBLIC BETA updates” in SETTINGS -> PROGRAM SETTINGS. Public beta will be released through Log4OM website.
  • You can now hide Statistics from F6 main UI tab via right menu button
  • Removed DARC_DOK award from the list. Valid one is DLD
  • Updated Clublog xmlns version to 1.3
  • Updated predicted solar data function to read new JSON provided by NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center
  • QSL Manager screen “return key” will perform a search operation on current callsign value
  • 2 more sounds added to the Alert/Chat notification options
  • NET CONTROL: Added option to disable data lookup.
  • NET CONTROL: Data manually inserted into callsign definition are no more overwritten by external lookup.
  • NET CONTROL: Automatic country identification on new callsign definitions works without external lookup.
  • LAZY LOG: New input keys for single QSO: name, comment, county and state
  • Added support for user defined bandplan (added support for “_user” suffix)
  • [FIX] Application deadlock during idle time should be fixed
  • [FIX] CQ/ITU zone import from ADIF fixed when counterpart data are not available on search engines.
  • [FIX] Award Confirmation import routine fix on date recognization
  • [FIX] 000329: Saved filters don’t work on re-load
  • [FIX] 000325: Fixed POTA export from Award Stats

Swisslog For Windows – Update To V5.100C


  • Corrected: when entering QSOs with an existing station working in a new QTH locator and both locators had 4 digits (existing and new), no new HomeQTH was created. This caused setting the new locator to previous QSOs!. This issue affected specially /MM operations from different locators. Please review your latest QSO!

  • Corrected: LoTW synch: process stopped during the Import QSO/QSL step and Swisslog became unusable.

  • Corrected: saving QSO with world map open: world map is refreshed automatically to reflect DXCC/Gridsquare changes after saving/deleting a QSO. In certain computers (specially with Windows 7) saving a QSO could take about 15 seconds if Gridsquare field was different than NONE or having CAT button enabled. Now the saving procedure has been improved drastically and it’s faster in all cases.

  • Corrected: panel for propagation mode and satellite name fields: panel was automatically hidden when transceiver control was not used or started. If CAT is used, the button to enable this panel will only work on these scenarios:

  • when editing QSO

  • when adding QSOs on 10m or higher and propagation mode is not SAT
  • when propagation mode is SAT and band is 10m, 2m, 70cm, 13cm or 23cm.
  • Corrected: Exception EAccess violation error when closing Swisslog and the LoTW synch window was open.

  • Corrected: reading from Callbook databases: if QTH locator is wrong it won’t be copied and no error message will be displayed.

Ham Radio DeLuxe – Update To V6.7.0.301


  • [Maintenance] Partial and Exact buttons on ALE no longer working (WA9PIE)
  • [Enhancement] Add “Comment” Field to the dropdown for “Filter” (WA9PIE)
  • [Bug] Filling in a Call in ALE and Hit Enter takes long time to be written to the DB (WA9PIE)
  • [Maintenance] copyright Date not updated (WA9PIE)
  • [Bug] ALE “Start” time is not being properly reset when the user has set it to “Set by User” (WA9PIE)
  • [Enhancement] Add option to include Comment field from prior QSO to be included in callsign lookup (WA9PIE)
  • [Maintenance] New and altered IOTA data in Logbook (DOUG)
  • [Enhancement] Add support for Yaesu FTDX-101D/MP (DOUG)
  • [General] What is the difference between Logbook’s Comment field and DM-780’s Remark field? (WA9PIE)
  • [Bug] Cannot connect to DX cluster when the user has selected a callsign to use that contains a slash character (WA9PIE)
  • [Bug] Order of callsign lookup methods are not saved when re-ordering them in “Enabled Methods” (WA9PIE)
  • [Bug] Additional callsigns with prefix that do not contain a number are not showing in My Station (WA9PIE)
  • [Bug] Lookup while in update mode overwrites QSO date/time (WA9PIE)

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